Wednesday, 19 October 2016


by Maina Kiwiri (@MainaKiwiri)

#Mungu_hapendi_ujinga, #Mungu_hawezi_Kuvunjia_simu, just a sample of allegedly new hit songs by @jimmygait. Some have even gone ahead to create memes on the same and posters alerting fans of his new music. All these are supposed to make us laugh...

Jimmy gait is not on the receiving end alone. There is his brother Willy Paul Msafi. A recent post circulating on social media welcoming Chris brown to Kenya before KOT kidogokidogo wanted him deported ASAP (hihihi kot apana mchezo, the new government) the post went forward to warn C.B of people to watch for; jimmy gait and willy Paul. #KenyansWhy? While the two are renown gospel artists, recent songs by the same have had massive criticism as being less godly or lacking in Christian content and mainly used for entertainment purposes and commercial. With songs like Yesu ndiye sponsor, a cover to Adele’s hello hit song among others, Jimmy Gait has been criticized for not taking ministry and God’s word seriously. Some people even say that his songs have not reached the required threshold of gospel music. Am still to find out what the threshold is. On his side, Willy Paul has been criticized of living a life that does not portray godliness. His music is said to seem like it’s sang more to a lady than to God. He is also said to be arrogant and proud as well as his music lacking the required threshold for Christian music.

The two are just a representation of other gospel artists whose music under the lenses of Kenyans especially those on twitter @Kot are not worth being termed as gospel songs. Other music under this category include; Bamba Mbaya by kelele takatifu, Lover by Bahati, Mateke by Size 8 Reborn, Niache Niimbe by Pitson among others and the latest one in this category being Thitima Anthem by Kymo and Stigah.

Surprisingly, all of these music above and others unmentioned are all local urban gospel music that fuses a lot of sheng slang and Swahili. None of the songs under the umbrella has been done using Swahili or English only. Could we probably say they fall under this category because people don’t take sheng slang as a serious language? Or it’s probably true that these songs don’t reach the threshold of Christian music whatever that is?

Well whatever the reason for this criticism is, am not here to defend or dispute any one of them. All the artists above have their inspiration for their music and reasons for each. Let’s leave God to do his work. It’s unto him to judge; not us. While we may think such songs as not being serious due to the fact that they use Sheng to communicate, I think God is the author of all languages including Sheng and he understands it even better. Above all else, God judges the motive. Before I forget, Luke 6 vs. 37 reminds us not to judge and we will not be judged. Not to condemn and we will not be condemned. We are supposed to correct each other with love. If one thinks some of these songs are not godly, they should air their corrections with love. Some of us; in fact most of us in our criticism are not close to correcting with love. Most of you condemn these songs with a vigor you would be mistaken for God himself with the authority you do these. Some would even seem to have come from heaven to discuss the same with God. Judge Not.

For our fellow gospel artists, this is a call for content. A call for Biblical teachings. Music inspired by the word of God or in line with it. Let us not doubt your music simply because its content is in contrast with the word of God. Your lives as well should portray this God you sing about and your allegiance to his word should be seen in you as well. This way, your message will reach men and women Christians and non-Christians alike without criticism and will have more impact. Above all else the motives of your music should be right. Without this, it’s all chasing after the wind. God judges your motive and sees it. He knows you inside and out. Your life is in the palm of his hand and He understands your every move. Music with a motive apart from God will probably yield you followers, likes et cetera but all these will one day pass away. Some little encouragement on the criticism, 1st Corinthians 4 vs. 3-4 should help you out. “I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. 4 My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me.”
Then this is a special part for you who disregard music just because it’s done in Sheng slang. You only think spiritual music is one that is done in your local dialect or that done by renown international musicians like Don Moen. You cannot take music even in your church done in a reggae beat or other genre like hip-hop and others because you think its authored by the devil. SHAME ON YOU. Time has come for you to come out of your stupor. The world is changing. We no longer live in the 19th century. Change is good and it’s inevitable. New trends are coming up and you need to embrace them; only add caution and wisdom.
Just before you quote Romans 12vs 2 “Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world….” For your defense, also remember there is part b of this verse that calls you to “be transformed by the renewal of your mind.”

With this I plea we leave God’s work to Him. It is unto Him to judge; this includes this music and not we human beings. Juu ya io story nmeenda lakini Let Jimmy Gait et al BE.

Sharing is caring. Dont forget.

Thursday, 18 February 2016


 In view of the recent turn of events over the past few days @chukauni, some things came to light;  just how weak n feeble our hearts are. How we take things for granted until we finally realize that they are not normal. For instance; breathing, traveling home safely or reaching your destination, good health, just but a few.
See, had the accident that allegedly took mercy Sang's (one of the students @chukauni) life not happened, most of us would not have cared let alone remembered to pray for their journeys and those of other students on the way. I recall the conversation in one of the Whats app groups everyone wanting to know how the other's journey was fairing on and texts thanking God for their safe journey when they reached home. On his way home, one Kipla Kevo was in a vehicle that got flat tyres twice in the course of his journey and we were all praying for him. Another student Maggie was involved in an accident but came out unharmed. How the group whats app platform went active thanking God saying it was a testimony (which is true by the way). Those are just some few cases on traveling. Some even feared traveling home for their lives. 

Then came in Tony Munyoki, Alias @thatguy (One of my friends) may his soul rest in eternal peace; He was fine all along, chatting in the group all so funny, got home safe. We wake up the next morning that he is in a critical health condition before hours later we receive news that he is gone to be with his maker. We could not believe it. We were chatting with him just last night. No it can’t be. It was not until we called his close allies when they confirmed the sad news. Gloom and sadness fell all over again; Distress and fear of the unknown. We decided to pray again for ourselves. Guys who were sick started telling others to pray for them. We decided to fast n pray for our institution. Others keshaad for the same.   


Allegedly in the counting, 4 lives had been lost in 2 days including one of a speaker who had preached in Chuka University Christian union. The tension built up by these occurrences, the accidents and others, way too big. The conversation moved, from condemning the perpetrators of the strike to condolences messages. Then people started seeing the abnormality and something that needed spiritual intervention. Even the most non-religious saw this abnormality. Only God had the answer. The social media platform for the institution especially Facebook went viral students asking students to seek God's intervention. Hash tags like #onmykneesforchukauni #ChukaforJesus went viral flying all over social media as people vowed how they will pray for our institution. Friday 12th February was declared a prayer and fasting day for the institution.

2nd chronicles 7 vs. 14... if my people who r called by my name will humble themselves pray seek my face and change from their wicked ways, I will hear them from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land.
Amazing how after the prayers things went back to normal. Confirming #Godisnotdead for those who still doubt the existence of God.

I can’t however forget to point out some few who always told us there was need for prayers. Actively forwarding texts encouraging others to pray, telling us how they were #onmykneesforchukauni. I however am still wondering what time they were on their knees while I always found them online any other minute.
Lastly I won’t forget the few @chukauni students who thought that striking would solve their issues. Causing havok, disturbance, destruction of property both public and private including burning a university bus; Well, the solution you wanted is now in your eyes. Learning discontinued. Lives lost, some arrested, Et cetera.


Neither will i forget one student Waweru wa waweru now a reknown social media fan in Chuka university who thought it was time to attain celebrity status via the situation. He is among the many students who for what i'd term as stupidity of the highest order took advantage of the situation especially on social media, caused more panic and anxiety among students via their statuses on facebook. one Waweru took to @chukauni's facebook page to ask whether there were no more deaths happening?? reaaally Waweru? May God forgive you. Another one Shistan Wanjiku: this one posts to announce the death of One Javin Viqy with a condolescence message. students pour out their heartfelt grievances and polees only for Viqy to comment down there that he is alive followed by his own post of how alive he is. Comments come in some thanking God it was a lie, others condemning Shistan and others funny. like one comment: "nlikua najua viqy c mtu wa kufa hivihivi...

God be with Chuka University i must pray.

As we await the reopening of school, I hope all of @chukauni took this time to reflect and get insights that when we go back to school, it will be #oureyeswereopened. Peace.

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Friday, 29 January 2016


By Maina Kiwiri.

I regret ever meeting you.
Talking to you and knowing you.
I regret falling for you and saying it.
I regret you loving me back,
I regret loving you even more.
Even though I know how sweet it was,
I still regret.
I regret moments we shared together;
The sweet, the bitter, the wrong, the fun, the good ones especially.
I regret ever opening up to you:
My secrets, my being, my thoughts, my self.
Ever placing you queen,
Giving you keys to my heart,
Giving my everything to you,
As if I’d already agreed with God you’d be my wife.
I regret loving you,
I regret.

I regret letting go
When the storm came,
And I couldn't stand.
I regret not standing with you then,
I wish I had sitted.
I regret taking for granted your efforts,
I regret walking out,
On you as if I needed you not.
Causing you so much pain,
As I made merry away with the world.
Knowing too well even then,
What a precious jewel you were to me.
I regret.

I regret you giving up,
On me after such a fight.
I regret you walking away,
Because you could not hold up any longer.
I regret pushing you to that edge,
Till in agony you left my camp.
Knowing too well what I meant to you,
 And me not reciprocating the meaning.
I regret.

I regret you taking his hand,
I regret you falling for him and not me.
I regret seeing you flirt with him,
But doing nothing to hold you back.
I regret you loving him for my place,
My rights gone and freedom of expression.
I regret allowing another man take my place.
I regret losing you.
I regret.

I regret coming back.
I regret loving you again,
Even more with the knowledge of loss.
I regret growing feelings for you again.
I regret not being able to hold them to myself,
The way I love you like never before.
The way I badly want you to myself,
I regret saying it to you already.
The way I cant back off even if I try.
I regret.

I regret wishing I had you again.
If wishes were horses.
I regret the way I cant stop loving you,
The way I cant let go of you

I regret the knowledge of what you mean to me,
 And the way you cant come back to me.

I regret.
 I regret the knowledge,
We can be back together if we wanted,
But its not an option for you.
I regret

I regret trying.
Too hard to win you back.
I regret fighting.
Fighting for what is rightfully mine.
I regret knowing.
Too well the way I wont tire,
Until I have you back.

I regret writing,
Writing down this piece;
Kicks of a dying horse.