Friday, 11 December 2015


by Maina Kiwiri

I echo the words of one Amos Karanja on spiritual life and dressing and modesty. The measure of what is in your heart has been made to be your appearance. Men with locks, long hair, and use of studs among others are deemed unspiritual and are not allowed to represent the church or hold office in the church in most part of Kenya. Since when did the measure of one’s spirituality be his outward appearance. Haven’t we seen men in locks lead worship in other countries and the spirit comes down? Haven’t we seen others in studs praying for the sick and they get healed? Haven’t we seen good music coming from Gods people not necessarily clad in suits and a tie? Since when did the Bible add a clause that decency and Modesty is in short hair, suits and ties and no studs?

Preacher Todd White in long dreadlocks preaches the Gospel of Christ at a crusade in Cameroon
Just because the African culture said that earrings are for women, it doesn’t mean that it’s so in the Bible. Haven’t we seen churches banish women from their fellowships attributing it to wearing trousers with an emphasis on women should not wear men’s clothing. * Deut 22 vs 5* while the same men banishing her cannot buy the same clothing in the market saying it is a woman’s clothing.

Long hair, studs, jeans, are just a manifestation of my sense of fashion which you long lost to the norm you were introduced to by your conservative spiritual leader. Your eye for new fashion is clogged with the belief that such clothing should not be taken to church as it is deemed ‘unspiritual’, ‘unholy’ and all manners of names that makes you not want to attach yourself with it. Tell me, where in the bible is it written that that clothing is unholy? Quote me one verse that holds to it that that piece of regalia is not to be worn by believers and I will banish it from my list. None. But your spiritual leader commanded you in a polite way of course never to wear such and you thought God had spoken. Read your bible. Understand it. Meditate on it. Then you also need to differentiate between what is culture and what the word is saying. Don’t mix the culture of a people and think it’s what the word of God is saying.

“The fact that i don’t dress like you walk like you, talk ,smile, cook, socialize or even have a hairstyle like yours, does not mean i am ungodly.  I am me. I am born again and Christ is lord over my life as me. I won’t become you.”
 (Amos Karanja 2015)

It’s my hair. It grows from the scalp of my head. Why does it bother you? You have yours too which you chose to shave and keep it short. I chose not to shave mine and display God’s blessing in me in form of appearance.
a section of the all time gospel reggae band Christafari perform at Big Church Day Out 2015
Every head has its best hair style. Just because you look good in short hair, it does not mean my head fits the same hairstyle. Just because your pastor shaves as you, does not mean I am doomed to perish in hell. I live by Gods word. That’s all that matters. Pleasing God and doing his will. I have never come across a verse that tells of how Peter at heaven’s gate will not allow men in long hair and locks to enter into the kingdom.

Men have fallen on the side Pharisees whose addiction to their own self-righteousness drove nails through the hands of the Son of God. Steeped in self-righteousness and dripping judgment, men have fallen into the sin of judging those with locks, long hair, studs and other normal regalia that seems abnormal thanks to their cultures. These are no longer godly and belong to the devil himself. Short hair, suits and ties have become a compulsory requirement for a people to be called Gods people and be candidates for heaven. Men have written their own bibles forgetting about the original Holy Bible they once followed. May Truth flood your hearts and wash the self-righteousness away.  May you be humbled at the thought of your own hypocrisy.
Reknown Vocalist and Gospel musician Jeremiah Woods.

Once you look deep inside, therein you will find men passionate for the Gospel.  So passionate, in fact, that they surpass most of you in faith, dreadlocks definitely making the approach towards others in sin simpler than if they were a clean-cut do-gooder in a suit coat. 
Indeed, Scripture does not focus on the physical appearance of Jesus but on His teachings. He came to seek and to save the lost, coming to live among humanity to provide salvation to all who will believe in His name (John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-9).

 This is not either a defense or condemnation of locks, long hair or wearing of studs in church and other regalia deemed by men indecent.  This blog is not the place for that.  However, it is a condemnation of people’s reaction to those things.  It is a challenge to understand that you never know how or by whom the Holy Spirit is going to work, and for you to get in the way of that with your own self-righteousness-steeped, judgment-dripping self is a move too dangerous to risk.  In short, the issue of clothing must always be carefully, thoughtfully and honestly studied from a scriptural perspective while allowing the scriptures to be the ultimate authority on such issues. Making a thorough study into the clothing norms of the Bible.

"Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."  ~John 7:24